日野郡日野町の「おしどり観察小屋」には、冬の期間、多い時には1000羽以上のオシドリがやってきます。朝8時に観察小屋へ訪れたあとは、すぐ近くにあるオシドリ資料館へ。その後、山の中にある「滝山神社」(歩きやすい靴を推奨)、そして開運祈願で有名な「金持神社」を巡ります。ちょうどお昼時になったら、人気のちゃんぽん店「味処 四季」がおすすめ!
Perhaps over 1000 Mandarin ducks will appear in Hino Town during the winter. Let's go to the observation hut at 8 o'clock. After that, you should go to the nearby Mandarin duck museum. Then why do not you visit "Takiyama Shrine" (recommend walking shoes) and "Kamochi Shrine". At noon, why don't you eat “Champon“ ?
・The trip takes approx. 3-4 hrs.
This is a portal site for inbound tourists visiting the Hino District. It is created and managed by the Hino-gun Mirai Sosei Design Committee.