Foods 特産品

金持Brand Collection

鳥取県日野町と (株)吉田ふるさと村が 協定を結び誕生した「金持Brand Collection」。鳥取県日野町と(株)吉田ふるさと村(島根県雲 南市)では、地元農産物の生産拡大、加工品の商 品開発や地域産品の発信などを連携して行うた め、2021年7月に協定を結びました。その第一弾 商品として「金持Brand Collection」が誕生。醤油や味噌といった田舎の味覚や、焼き肉のタレやドレッシングを、原料にもこだわってちょっとぜいたくに、ユニークな味わいに仕上げました。



SAKE  日本酒 大岩酒造



 As the only distillery in the Hino District, Oiwa Shuzo crafts saké with a particular emphasis on local ingredients. Normally, the distillery and warehouse are not open to the public, but can be accessible with special arrangements. Their products are also available for purchase at the Okudaisen Roadside Station.

HONEY ひののん/はちみつ


 Pure honey made in Hino-town (Tottori prefecture), whose hills are home to Japanese honeybees. The rich and delicious treat is almost too good to eat. Quantities are limited.


SWEETS アペゼ/焼きドーナッツ


 Apaiser Cafeteria's famed product is their baked donuts. The donuts are also available for purchase at the Okudaisen Roadside Station. They are perfect for a small souvenir.

MISO 奥大山高原みそ


This is Miso using homemade soybeans, which is produced in "Miyauchi". It has a sweet taste.